Difference between predictive and actual distances

Backing up on a steep uphill

Backing up on a steep uphill

When backing up the vehicle up a hill, the distance guide lines and the vehicle width guide lines are shown closer than the actual distance.

For example, the display shows 3 ft (1.0 m) to the place A , but the actual 3 ft (1.0 m) distance on the hill is the place B . Note that any object on the hill is further than it appears on the monitor.

Backing up on a steep downhill

Backing up on a steep downhill

When backing up the vehicle down a hill, the distance guide lines and the vehicle width guide lines are shown farther than the actual distance.

For example, the display shows 3 ft (1.0 m) to the place A , but the actual 3 ft (1.0 m) distance on the hill is the place B . Note that any object on the hill is closer than it appears on the monitor.

LHA1200 4-44

Backing up near a projecting object

Backing up near a projecting object

The predicted course lines A do not touch the object in the display. However, the vehicle may hit the object if it projects over the actual backing up course.

There may be a small distance visible between

There may be a small distance visible between the vehicle and the object in the bird-eye view on the display B .

Backing up behind a projecting object

Backing up behind a projecting object

The position C is shown farther than the position B in the display. However, the position C is actually at the same distance as the position A .

The vehicle may hit the object when backing up to the position A if the object projects over the actual backing up course.

    See also:

    Dimensions and weights

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