BSW/LDW malfunction
When the BSW and/or LDW system malfunctions, they will be turned off automatically, the BSW light (orange) and/or LDW light (orange) will illuminate.
Action to take: Stop the vehicle in a safe location, turn off and restart the engine. If the BSW light (orange) and/or LDW light (orange) continues to illuminate, have the BSW and/or LDW system checked by a NISSAN dealer.
See also:
Heater and air conditioner
- The air conditioner cooling function operates only when the engine is running.
- Do not leave children or adults who would normally require the support of others
alone in your vehicle. Pets sho ...
Brake fluid
For additional brake fluid information, see “Capacities and recommended fuel/lubricants”
in the “9. Technical and consumer information” section of this manual.
- Use only new fluid from a ...
Drive belt
1. Power steering oil pump
2. Alternator
3. Drive belt auto-tensioner
4. Crankshaft pulley
5. Air conditioner compressor
Be sure the ignition switch is in the OFF
or LOCK position bef ...